Pete Holland, of the Nashville Scene, has written a great article about Monte Bello, the place, and its history. He’s a former resident of Silicon Valley now living in Tennessee. Here is a short excerpt from the article:
“When I was growing up in Silicon Valley, that term was just reaching the mainstream, and was decades away from being a punch line. The area wasn’t dominated by orchards then as it was in my parents’ childhood, but I certainly remember the dusty squares of land dedicated to prunes, plums and enough cherries that my alma mater nearly guaranteed its permanent athletic futility with the name Cherry Hill High. Luckily, they settled on Homestead.
To longtime Nashvillians, this might sound familiar: Finding my hometown’s old soul now seems to require a dedicated search. The beloved pizza joints of my youth are now fast-casual techie feeding troughs. The whole area is much wealthier, more crowded and less interesting. But one piece of land in the Santa Cruz Mountains, eight miles up winding Monte Bello Road, grows more interesting as it sits unchanging…”
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