Ridge Featured in “Wine Lister Leagues 2020”

Wine Lister

December 2020

Wine Lister compiled a report at the end of 2020 celebrating the top-performing wines and producers within a series of categories over the past year. Using qualifiers of quality, brand, economics, and the several factors that constitute these values, they created seven leagues to rank some of the world’s best wines. Ridge Vineyards was featured in both the “Quality Consistency” and “Biggest Movers” lists of Wine Lister’s 2020 Leagues.

On the “quality consistency” segment, the wines listed achieved the smallest standard deviation between quality scores over the last 20 vintages. Ridge Vineyards Monte Bello ranked #12, highlighting just how consistent the quality of this wine remains, vintage to vintage.

The “biggest movers” segment examined wines whose popularity increased the most in terms of online searches. This was an especially important metric in a year where most wineries had to pivot to digital strategies to compensate for lock-downs and other restrictions. On this list, Ridge ranked #9, having climbed 66 places since the start of the year.


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