Austrian Publication Falstaff Writes About Paul Draper’s Retirement


Austrian food, wine and travel publication Falstaff has written a great piece on Paul Draper’s retirement from Ridge Vineyards. The following is an excerpt from the article:

Ridge Winery: Mr. Monte Bello im Ruhestand

“In diesem Jahr hat sich in aller Stille und in für ihn so typischer Bescheidenheit, eine der großen Persönlichkeiten des kalifornischen Weines in den hochverdienten Ruhestand begeben, im Alter von 80 Jahren. Paul Draper, der seit 1969 – also nicht ganz 50 Jahre lang…”

Google Translation:

“This year, one of the great personalities of the Californian wine, went to a high earned retirement, at the age of 80, in silence and typical modesty. Paul Draper, who has been running since 1969 – not quite 50 years…”

Full Article in German

Full Article in English


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